
show interests in对不对,in the noon对不对

in on at的用法及区别 2023-11-21 16:13 831 墨鱼
in on at的用法及区别

show interests in对不对,in the noon对不对

读到英语show interest in,你“读不出”英语be interested in,而是“读出”中文“对。。。感兴趣”,你的英语学习是“失败”的。同样:The man is interested in our products是什么show interests in发音意思翻译对……有兴趣;对……表示关心;表现出兴趣相似词语短语interests───v.使…感兴趣(interest的第三人称单数形式);n.利益(interest的复

24 the difficulties in training skills and may cause physical injuries C25 trusting your partner is important D 26.the student show interests in acroshow great interest in 意思:对……表现出极大的兴趣读法英[ˈɪntrəst; ˈɪntrest]

╯▂╰ 19.beinterestedin对…感兴趣20.showgreatinterestin显示极大的兴趣21.penfriedsfromdifferentcountries来自不同国家的毛友22.nowadays=today如今23.makefriendswith和您好[比心][比心],是show great interests in。是show great interests in。是show great interest in。没有后面那个s 知识扩展与延伸[嘻嘻][嘻嘻]:show great in

v.对有兴趣show interest in的用法和样例:例句用作动词(v.) She shows great interest in American drama. 她对美国戏剧很有兴趣。Physicists are show interest in是正确的,不能加s。原因或用法如下:表示“兴趣”之意,interest只能用单数。所以此处可以用show interest in表示“表现出了对某事的兴趣”。举

show interest in 美英v.动心于英汉v. 1. 动心于un. 1. 对表示关心例句更多例句筛选show interest 还是interests?为什么? 相关知识点:试题来源:解析are interested in 感兴趣=show interest in不加s 结果一题目show interest 还是interests?为什么?答


标签: in the noon对不对



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