

tell的同义词替换 2023-02-27 02:54 821 墨鱼


tell sb.to do sth 告诉某人干某事tell sb about sth 告诉某人关于某事tell a lie 说谎tell a story 讲故事tell a joke 开玩笑,tell a lie 撒谎tell the truth 说出事实,tell the differences 分辨出不同

?ω? bother sb. to do sth. 打扰某人做某事I’m sorry to bother you,but can you tell me the way to the station? 我十分抱歉打扰你,但是你能告诉我怎么去车站吗?92 call sb. sthtell 是一个常见的用来表示动作“告诉”的单词,牢记它的固定搭配,只说自己该说的。Tell a joke 讲个笑话The host told a joke to his guest tobreakthe ice

I can't tell.我说不出来。3、tell做名词,意为“话,传说”。例句:I have a tell for you.我有话跟你说。3tell相关短语及例句1、tell about(v.+prep.) 告诉有关…的情况tell ab它还有两个衍生出的固定短语:tell good from bad 区分好坏tell right from wrong 分辨是非。10、tell it like it is:讲真话,说实话Stanley knew everything, he should tell i

tell相关短语1.tell about(v.+prep.) She told about Linda, who was very kind to her. 她谈了谈林达的情况,林达对她非常好。He told about his plans. 他tell sb to do sth 释义:告知或人去做某事。语法:这个是固定短语。例句:1.My mom tell me not to play computer games if I dont do my homework. 译文:我老

●ω● tell a lie的意思是“to give false information ”,即“说谎”。这个短语和tell the truth相反,表示说的不是真话。例句:If I tell a lie to somebody, I will face his guiltiltell apart 辨别,识别thanks to 由于,多亏that is(to say)就是说,即think of 想起;想出;企图;考虑think over 考虑,思考,仔细想think up 想出,想起;发明throw away 抛弃;浪费;


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