

confuse造句 2023-09-04 14:57 728 墨鱼


(1)suitable to do sth适合做某事(2)suitvt.适合;使适宜suit sb适合某人suit one’s needs适合某人的需要①Firstly,because I’m good at spoken English25、In fact, gardenia flowers can be planted in the north, but there must besuitablesoil quality,suitabletemperature. 26、The copper-phosphorus fill

4. Not suitable to or appropriate for the season. 不适合该季的不适于某一季节的或于某一季节不宜的5. Either kind of school is quite suitable. 两种学校都挺适合。6suitable造句1.This dress is suitable for a formal occasion. 对一个正式场合,这件衣服是合适的。2.She chose a suitable gift for her friend. 她为她的朋友选择了一份

suitable strength最优用力suitable a合适的;适宜的;适合的suitable humidity适湿suitable person人选Suitable Target标的物suitable to适合;适于…的造suitable造句1、Our kind of travel is definitely not suitable for people who expect to be cosseted.我们这种旅行绝对不适合那些想要受到百般呵护的人。2、Ctc maximum

ゃōゃ 单词suitable 例句大全,用单词suitable造句:a playsuitablefor acting 适合上演的剧本Suitablefor Broad Band access net. 适用于宽带接入网。Suitablefor use on actuato1、PostScript (suitable forprinting). 2、suitable forpurpose of 3、lansuitable forgrazing livestock. 4、Cotton issuitable forwear in summer. 5、a cu

I don't have anything suitable to wear for the party. 我没有适合在聚会上穿的衣服。来自牛津词典5. Would now be a suitable moment to discuss my report? 现在讨论我suitable的例句:We should be more than suitable for the task. 这任务对我们来说再合适不过了Until then, that equipment is not suitable for you. 在那之前那台设备不


标签: contrast造句



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