01-03 747
come造句简单小学 |
You will soon be the first.Are they in Group He was sitting in the sun and reading a book.You were weaker than me last summer.I am a Grade Six stude9、becareful!' he yelled.(他大叫道:“当心!”) 10、Intelligence cannotbeovervalued.(智力是无比重要的。11、Thanks. That'llbegrand!(谢谢。那太棒了! 12、He canbev
\ _ / 10. I'll be happy when that happens. 10。事发生时我会很高兴。11. I'll be very happy when they are over. 11。我将很高兴当他们一去不复返了。12. My mother was happ他不会去做替罪羊。TherailwayisgoingtobeopenonOctober1. 这条铁路将于十月一日通车。例:Thereisgoingtobeasingingcompetitionthisevening. 今天晚上将有一场歌咏比赛。W
用be造句造10个答案You will soon be the first.Are they in Group He was sitting in the sun and reading a book.You were weaker than me last summer.I am a Grade Sixbe动词助动词情态动词造句be 动词、情态动词、助动词造句be动词1. am: I am a student./ I am very happy. 2. am not:I am not a student./I am not very happy. 3. is:L
本文的10个基础单词如下:401agree [əˈgri:]vi.赞同;一致;气候等)相宜vt.同意402arm [ɑ:m]n.臂;扶手vt.以(武器)装备;配备403mother [ˈmʌðə]n.母亲,妈妈7. Have I been there before? 8. Is mother in the kitchen now? 【当“be”要在祈使句中出现时,它必须借重助动词“do”或“don't”之助,如:9. Don't be silly! 10. Do be
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标签: something造句简短
(2)等他回来时,他手上和衣服上到处都是大便。 He left and came back with shit all over his hands and clothes. (3)他大便时很痛。 He suffers pains when he...
01-03 747
01-03 747
1、射手男 射手座的花心是出了名的,向往自由的他们,往往很难长时间待在一个人身边,生活的平淡无奇让他们受不了,小三的出现让他们尝到了新鲜感和刺激感,也就越发的感受到原配的无趣...
01-03 747