

用useful造句简单 2024-01-07 11:06 594 墨鱼


hour是小时的意思,没有形容词。hour的基本意思是“小时”,即60分钟,是可数名词;也可指“钟点”,如一点钟、两点钟等,用于正式文体中可用于24小时计时制,但常用复数形式。1hour用作实用场景例句全部小时钟头时间时刻课时We hope to be there within thehour(= in less than anhour) . 我们希望一小时内到达那里。牛津词典We're fourhoursahead of

hour造句1.They were doing 70 miles an hour.(他们每小时达到70英里。2.Each game lasts about an hour.(每场比赛约一小时。3.I had to wait a full hour for the bus The church bell tolled the hour. 教堂的鸣钟报时。The machine must break down at this busy hour. 正忙的时候,机器偏偏又坏了。She spent an hour in quiet contemplat

How to Add One Hour a Day to Your Waking life怎样让自己清醒的一天多一个小时出来英文例句大全为您提供Hour英文例句大全,Hour英文造句,关于Hour的英语句子,单词Hour怎么造hour 相关例句名词1. We live about an hour from the station. 我们住的地方离车站大约一个钟点的路程。2. Please call me during my office hours. 请在我办公时间打电

?ω? 5. In half anhourDelia came, her right hand in a bandage. 半小时后德丽雅回来了,右手打着绷带。6. It´s only about three-quarters of anhour´s walk from here to Elat an exact hour, or on each hour, of the day or night (白天、晚上)在整点,在每一小时after a period of one hour 在一小时后4. within the hour after less than an h


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