
depends on造句简单,bored造句简单

have sth in common造句 2023-08-23 23:58 177 墨鱼
have sth in common造句

depends on造句简单,bored造句简单

That is a task whichdependson action taken by the General Assembly and the Security Council. 这个任务取决于大会和安全理事会所采取的行动。英文例句大全为您提供depe1、I depend on them deeply我深深地在依靠它们. 2、Your advancement depends on your worth ——your ability.你的晋升取决于你自己的价值,即你的能力. 3、Good health depends u

Our success depends on our teamwork, we must rely on each other. 2. 这个项目的成功取决于我们的客户满意度,我们必须尽力满足他们的需求。The success of this project 单词focus on 例句大全,用单词focus on造句:NewFocus onPeanut Allergies 聚焦花生过敏So it depends on what youfocus on 也就是看你专注于那个方面了Appropriatefocus o

I'm excited by the good news.Japan's electical paoducts are on top of the mum makes me clean the house.I can get five dollars from my father.Whether we cdepend on简单造句如下:My wife and daughter depend on me for their living. 我妻子女儿靠我生活。I depend on my pen for a living. 我靠写作为生。You shouldn't list

I depend on my pen for a living.信任,信赖,确信,信任,对…有信心:You shouldn't listen to the can depend on 's a man who can be depend1、depend on+某人或某物Whether we’ll go camping depends on the weather. 我们是否去野营要看天气。I haven’t got a car, so I have to depend on the buses. 我没有汽车,所

\ _ / 1、The answer depends on which component happens to be stronger. 答案取决于哪种要素的影响力更强。2、If you are walking past a pizza restaurant at ldepends的造句和例句:1. •Clean Water – Life Depends on It! 2. An accountability procedure depends on, but goes beyond, monitoring.内有更多更详细关于depends的造句


标签: bored造句简单



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