

rice句子 2024-01-07 10:05 530 墨鱼


I could snap your neck like a carrot .我可以把你的脖子掐断,同折断一根胡萝卜一样。I want some eggplant , cucumbers , carrots and peas .我要一些茄子,黄carrot造句1、Dad is trying to persuade jim by dangle thecarrotof higher allowance. 爸爸以增加零用钱为饵企图说服吉姆。2、Anyway, hurry up! Here iscarrotjuice. 不

30、A kilo ofcarrotsis expensive now.(现在一公斤旳胡萝卜非常贵。carrots基本释义carrots 英['kærəts] 美['kærəts] 原级:carrot n.胡萝卜1、Acarrot, acarrot, acarrot, acarrot. 2、The rabbit wants acarrot, acarrot, acarrot. 3、Aha! Acarrot. A bigcarrot. 4、I likecarrotjuice. 5、Globefl

I used a carrot to get the truth out of him. 我用一个好处就套出了他的实话。None of my family likes carrots. 我家人都不喜欢吃胡萝卜。We had carrot soup for lunch.15、It's eating acarrot.(它在吃胡萝卜。16、Chaucer would not have called that familiar root vegetable a "carrot", because the word comes from the French carotte

I'll have some morecarrot. 我还要一些红萝卜。Dad is trying to persuade Jim by dangling thecarrotof higher allowance. 爸爸以增加零用钱为饵企图说服吉姆。There is 1.A carrot, a carrot, a carrot, a carrot.一根胡萝卜,一根胡萝卜,一根胡萝卜,一根胡萝卜。2.The rabbit wants a carrot, a carrot, a carrot.兔子想要一根胡萝卜,一根胡萝

╯▂╰ 1、I never eatcarrots. 2、No, they aren'tcarrots. 3、Unseasoned meat andcarrots. 4、Thecarrotsare theirs. 5、Thecarrotstasted good. I ate all mycarr单词carrot 例句大全,用单词carrot造句:Once I ate acarrotand I thought that it was good! 一旦我吃了胡萝卜,我认为它很好吃!If a cabbage and acarrotraced, which one


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