
be content with用法,entertain

with content 2023-08-29 11:28 148 墨鱼
with content

be content with用法,entertain

1. be content with sb/sth 对感到满意(with是介词)如:Are you content with your work?2. be content to do sth 满足于做;甘心做(to是不定式符号)be content with的发音:单词解释满足于,以为满足与be content with 相关的例句Youwillhavetocontentyourselfwithwhatyouhave. 你应该满足于你所拥有的一切。Youought

∩^∩ 以…为满足英[[]] 美[[]] 以…为满足双语例句1. I am content with the way the campaign has gone. 我对竞选活动的进展十分满意2He had to be content with third place.用法:be related to后面跟名词或者名词组,相当于have relation to, be connected with。例句:Health is in large part related to one’s lifestyle. (2016年6月四级) 健康在很大

?0? As a feeling Scorpio, you won't be content with that, of course - you'll want something more sensual. 以天蝎的感情而论,你当然不会满足于咖啡馆的聊天。你需要做点更content a. 1.满足的,满意的;甘愿的(+with)(+to-v) v. [I] 1.使满足(+with) n. 1.[U]满足2.[U]内容,要旨2.含量,容量3.容纳的东西; co content 同容积well content a. 十分满意的self cont

You should be content with what you have. 你应满足于现有的东西。网络扩展资料这个短语表示满足于当前的情况或结果,不再寻求更多或更好的东西。下面将详细解释这个短语be content with 以…为满足例句:The Mole had to be content with this. 鼹鼠莫尔只好对此知足了。He had to be content with third place. 他只好屈居第三名。He pro

be content with 英美满足于;以为满足be content with的用法和样例:例句Be not content with the commonplace in character. 不要满足于普通的共性。You have to be content with用法"be content with"意为"对感到满意/满足"。在句子中,它通常用来形容某人的感受或情感状态。例如:I am content with my job. (我对我的工作感到满意


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