

用three造句简单的 2023-12-24 23:07 116 墨鱼


+▽+ 1、You and I claptwo,two,two. 2、Two cats weartwohats. 3、Knittwoplain,twopurl. 4、Four minustwoistwo. 5、twomodetwoway data 6、atwo-way valve;two-w1、twolamps burned dimly.(两盏油灯昏暗地燃烧着。2、twoAustralian tourists were slain.(两位澳大利亚游客被谋杀了。3、twoprisoners have escaped.(两名犯人逃走了。

8. He won a weekend for two in Rome.他赢得双人去罗马度周末的奖励。9. We went up to London last weekend.我们单词two 例句大全,用单词two造句:Twoarms.Twohands.Twolegs. 两支胳膊。两只手。两条腿。ACtwoelementtwoposition relay 交流二元二位继电器I killedtwopeople. I mean,tw

1)two[英][tu:][美][tu]两个英文短句/例句1.The children went in two by two.孩子们两个两个地进去。2.The children came in two by two.孩子两个两个地进来. 3.The animHe joined thetwopieces of wood together with glue. 他用胶水将这两块木料黏在一起。The captain orderedtwoflags to be placed fore and aft. 船长吩咐在船头和船尾各挂

I have two sisters .我有两个姐姐。He has two books 他有两本书。7、Do you want one hundred, a thousand,two thousandgold pieces for your miserable five? 8、Researchers found that more than six hundred thousand non

\ _ / two造句1.Two heads are better than one. 两个脑袋比一个脑袋好。2.Two wrongs don't make a right. 两个错误不能等于一个正确。3.Two of a kind. 一拍即合。4.Two's coin two造句1、Drawin twonails here. 2、Quadratic approximationsin twodimensions. 3、cut in half or cutin two. 4、I wore my hairin twobraids. 5、Buti


标签: one造句简短三年级



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