

漂亮英文符号特殊符号 2023-09-28 16:40 356 墨鱼


We need only keep track of the last marked character.我们只要记住最后标记的字符。character用法例句1、I didn't know Ron had that much strength of c1. The main character in the novel was a brave and determined young girl. 2. He showed great character by standing up for what he believed in, even when faced wit

1)character symbols文字符号1.This paper analyzes the issues in using graphic and character symbols in current textbooks for electronic technology, a lot of examp3.表示“文字”,指书写符号或印刷符号等,是可数名词。如:He writes beautiful characters.他能写一手漂亮的字character - n,用来描述人的性格,像是坚强、懦弱、乐观、积极

剑号是一个符号,用来指明对照或脚注。We can bring him aboard if you really are certain about hischaracter. 如果你们觉得他的品行没有问题,我们可以带上他。It also hacharacter ['kæriktə] n.个性,品质,字符,人物,名誉,地位adj.[剧](角色)代表某一特性的例句与用法:It is out ofcharacterto do that. 那样做不合适。He is firm in

【例句】He swore, which was out of character for him. 他咒骂了起来,这与他的性格不符。【例句】Openness is at the heart of the American character. 坦诚是美国人的character-at-a-time printer 单字符打印机check character 检验字符,校验符,校验符号,校验字符control character 控制符号,控制字符,操作符character wit


标签: 句子符号



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