

8个反身代词的造句 2023-09-24 22:50 521 墨鱼


themselves 造句/ 例句1. They did the cooking bythemselves. 他们自己做了饭。《牛津词典》2. Don and Julie paid for itthemselves. 唐和朱莉他们自己付的款。《牛津18.TIFFANY: Well, the productsinthemselvesare very simple. 蒂芬妮:嗯,产品的本身是很简单的。- 来源-- 网友提供好评(10)差评() 19.The annualrent right did not carr

themselves造句复制1、The troops preparedthemselvesto go into battle.(部队准备开赴战场。2、Don and Julie paid for itthemselves.(唐和朱莉他们自己付的款。3、Ththemselves造句推荐度: 相关推荐themselves的造句解答:1、Their own work should be undertaken by themselves.他们自己的工作应该自己承担。2、They paid

单词themselves 例句大全,用单词themselves造句:They only care aboutthemselves. 他们只关心自己。Seeingthemselvesinto the abyss. 眼看着自己滑向深渊。They abandonth7. They went on a cruise and enjoyed themselves exploring different ports of call. 8. The party was a blast and everyone enjoyed themselves playing games and soci

?▽? themselves造句1.The children have to rely on themselves to solve their own problems. 2.They have to take care of themselves and not be too dependent on others. 3themselves英语造句,1、The kiwi is a national symbol adn New Zealanders refer to themselves as Kiwis.几维鸟被当作是国家的象征,新西兰人也这样

˙▽˙ themselves造句如下:1、The sheep looked very sorry for themselves.那些羊似乎懂得爱怜自己。2、They stood th1、Let children feedthemselves. 2、They dreamed aboutthemselves. 3、They dressedthemselvesbeautifully. 4、They expressedthemselvesdelighted. 5、Brot


标签: doctor造句简单



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