
dueto后面可以接句子吗,due to造句简单

dueto在句首 2023-11-25 11:40 718 墨鱼

dueto后面可以接句子吗,due to造句简单

?▂? 5、It is of great benefit to us. 例如:Books are like friends. They can help us know the world better, and they can open our minds and widen our horizons. Therefore, re后面接名词or名词词组,on account of语气较为正式,可作状语、表语,不作定语,如:He could not com

dueto后接--- dueto句首--- dueto位置--- duedueto --- duetodoing --- dueto汉语--- duetodo --- since和dueto --- dueto加时间--- dueto是什么--- dueto做主语due to后面可以接句子吗英语中,“due to”是一个常用的介词短语,表示“因为”,常用于介绍某种原因。有时候我们也可以在“due to”后面接一个完整的句子,以更

due to后面接什么due to后面跟的是名词性的词语,包括名词、动名词等等,解释为“由导致”。due to的to是介词,所以后面只能跟名词,不能跟句子。1due to用dueto后面可以加句子吗由于,应归于后不加从句例如句子“比赛因为下雨而推迟了.”可以翻译成:Thegame'spostponementwasduetothatitwasraining. 这一句有点别扭,我们一般听

due to后面跟名词,分词或者动名词,可以加句子但是不可以接从句。例句:The accident was due to bad driving. 1due to用法1、其后可接不定式,表示“将要”。例:The guests are 2. "Due to" 也可以放在句子中作为原因状语:- The cancellation of the event was due to the heavy rain. (活动的取消是由于大雨。- The delay in the project was due t


标签: due to造句简单



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