
wake up是什么意思,make up是什么意思

wake up的例句 2023-08-29 19:10 967 墨鱼
wake up的例句

wake up是什么意思,make up是什么意思

wake up 重复播放v. 醒来英文解释动词:1. cause to become awake or conscious;相似"He was roused by the drunken men in the street";"Please wake me at 6 AM."+ 看、wake-up (n.) something that brings one to alertness or out of sleep, 1965, often in the 1960s in reference to a shot of heroin in the morning. Phrasewake-up callis attested from 1968

Wake up的意思:醒来;醒醒。英[weɪk ʌp] 美[weɪk ʌp]醒醒;醒来;醒;唤醒;弄醒;激起;唤起例句:What time do you usually wake up?1. 同“wake”2. 叫醒3. 醒来;振作起来例句释义:全部,叫醒,醒来,振作起来,唤醒,起床,醒醒更多例句筛选1. England seems to be suffering from a deadly case of deja

wake up 英[weik ʌp] 美[wek ʌp] 释义醒来;活跃起来;引起注意;(使)认识到点击金山快译,了解更多人工释义实用场景例句全部Jake wanted to wake up, but sleep helwake up 网络解释1. wake up什么意思1. 醒来:收到请求时,服务器进程"醒来(wake up)",完成客户请求的相应的活动. 在此,通过设置定时器来及时地把远程计算机的当前屏幕以位图

wake up wake up是什么意思wake up基本解释醒来;活跃起来;引起注意;使)认识到wake up的用法和例句提示:点击例句中的单词,就可以看到词义解释Ask yourself : how do youwwake up 是什么意思及中文翻译:醒来活跃起来引起注意(使)认识到包含wake up的短语更多> wake upto(使)认识到Hey, hey.Wake up.Wake up. 嗨,嗨,醒醒,醒醒。I always ge


标签: make up是什么意思



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