
what color is it new,color

what's your name 2023-08-23 16:04 960 墨鱼
what's your name

what color is it new,color

一、意思不同1、what colour is it:它是什么颜色的。2、what is the colour:什么颜色的。二、用法不同1、what cEnglishLessonPlans英语教案小学二年级英语教案UnitWhatColor编订:XX教育机构小学二年级英语教案精品教学设计WhatColorBeijingPublishingHouseEnglishBookThre

>△< In the daily life ,we are usually say what when they meet each other in Chinese.and how to introduce our friend ? Step 3. New lesson.(新课) No.1 This is my friend. 1. Presentation Re英语教案-color Unit 2: What Color is it? Beijing Publishing House English Book Three of Class New Lesson Content 1. The text of page seven. 2. Sentence pattern: What color is it?

- What color is each of your dresses? - This one is red, that one is green and the one over there is blue. 三、更多拓展Here it is! 这是倒装句,用来提醒对方前面所谈的事七年级Unit3what color is it教学设计一、教学目标1.知识与技能目标:掌握关于颜色的词汇和句子。培养学生听、说、读、写的技能。2.过程与方法目标:结合学

四、Presentation new sentences (1)T: Look at this. They're traffic light. What教师在PPT上呈现交通灯并指着红色的路灯)oh,it's red. T: Look at that one, what color is it?(教师指着另外New Tab - What Color is It 是一个非常有创意的Chrome 新标签页,他会在新标签页上显示当前时间,而当时分秒组合成一个十六进制颜色代码时,便会用该颜色显示背景。Appinn

What do you do to stay happy? Can you stay happy at all time? Is it important to be happy? New year How do you celebrate new year? Do you still remeE: Hi, Welcome to 'Let's Talk.' Today we are going to be talking about a really interesting subject: color. R: Color is different in different culture, so it's a


标签: color



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