
give等于什么词组,give给某人某物 用法

与give有关的词组 2023-12-19 14:20 552 墨鱼

give等于什么词组,give给某人某物 用法

【“give”词组搭配】【“give”词组搭配】1.give up 放弃;2.give in 投降,让步;3.give away 分发;4.give back 归还;5.give out 分发,散发;6.give off at once等于词组:right away They will most likely comeright away. 他们保不住马上就会来的。Tell juan to get the fix and log itright away. 让胡安测方

14. give sb. an account of 说明,解释【理由】同义替换:explain Account原始涵义:见单词12。造句:In describing an object we can give an account of give up 意思是“放弃”,同义词组如下:1、abstain from 放弃;戒绝例:Abstain from Work – which others can d

give 词组有give out、give up、give over、give in、give off、give back、give up、give satisfaction、give life、give one 等等。give 作为动词和名词,含义有交给、赠英语词组1、Give 1)give up 放弃(give up halfway 半途而废give oneself up 自首give up smoking 戒烟) 2)give in 投降,屈服; hand in 上交3)give off 释放,发出气味4)give

ˇ0ˇ give 词组有give out、give up、give over、give in、give off、give back、give up、give satisfaction、give life、give one 等等。give 作为动词和名词,含义有交给、赠26.give them good areas of forests 给他们良好的森林区域Unit4 一、名词类短语27.have suitable homes有适宜的家园28.make a lot of money 挣许多钱29.s


标签: give给某人某物 用法



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