
run on,run into

奔跑着的剧情简介 2024-01-04 23:54 207 墨鱼

run on,run into

run on的短语1、run on banks 挤提存款,挤兑,到银行挤兑2、Run-on Sentences 不间断句子,溶合句,流水句,粘连旬3、run on a bank 银行挤兑,银行挤提,挤兑,翻译4、R英n.加添之物;连续网络进行至载体的序列;词意连贯的;报上刊登的计行第三人称单数:runs on现在分词:running on过去式:ran on 英汉英英网络释义n. 1. 加添之物2. 连续

The new Metro is designed to run on unleaded fuel. 新的地铁系统设计为使用无铅燃料。We try to make the trains run on time, but we can't contend against the weathe“run on”的中文翻译词典解释美音: ] 英音: ] 1. 喋喋不休She'll run on for hours about her family if you let her. 要是你让她说的话,她会把家里的事喋喋不休地说上

run on音标['rʌn.ɔn] 读音汉语翻译连续,连写,流逝,涉及英语解释:动词run on: talk or narrate at length continue uninterrupted 同义词:keep going 形容词run on: run on sentence 连写句(指两个主句之间不用连接词或错用标点的句子) run on point 转动点run on tab 引弧板,引弧板,起弧板run into 1.快速进入…流入…2.偶然遇见3

The theatre will berun ona shoestring. 戏院将小本经营。柯林斯例句He willrun onfor hours if you don't stop him. 如果你不打断他,他会喋喋不休地讲好几个小时. 《简明run on的用法和例句提示:点击例句中的单词,就可以看到词义解释More than half of all smartphones run on android . 所有智能手机中,逾一半运行的是安卓系统。Private b


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