

bypass技术 2024-01-01 11:51 304 墨鱼


To bypass something means to avoid something by going around it.It is a verb so it is an action. For example, if I saw someone I didn't like. I woul俄语英语(英国) 半母语者英语(美国) 西班牙语(西班牙) 西班牙语(智利) 关于英语(英国) 的问题Bypass 和Avoid 有什么区别?如果难以说明的话,请教我

>^< bypass同义词[n.]road,route,shunt,conductor [v.]avoid bypass例句1.If we take the bypass we'll avoid the town centre. 我们走旁道就能绕过镇中心。2.Hebypassvt. 绕开;忽视;设旁路;迂回n. 旁路;公路] 支路[ 过去式bypassed或-past 过去分词bypassed或-past 现在分词bypassing ]bypassn.(为疏散交通,绕城镇等

avoid: ◆ basically, means to miss something or make something miss you or to stay away from someone or something 错过某事或让某事错过你,或远离某人或某事◆ strucavoid something unpleasant or laborious; "You cannot bypass these rules!" bypass例句用作及物动词(vt.) If we bypass the town we'll miss all traffic.我们绕城外走,就

≥▽≤ VERB 绕…而行If you bypass a place when you are travelling, you avoid going through it.The rebel forces simply bypassed Zwedru on their way further sextinguish v. 熄灭、扑灭;灭绝(out + prick + v. : 戳刺而消失) | distinguish v. 区分、区别extortv. 勒索、敲诈;强求(out + twist: 扭出) avoidv. 避免;宣布无效(out + empty)

近义词circumvent:表示“绕过、回避、规避”。avoid:表示“避免、回避、躲避”。反义词confront:表示“面对、对抗、直面”。英语单词大全请记住链接:https://danci.yues动词bypass: avoid something unpleasant or laborious同义词:short-circuit, go around, get around例句:The villagers are unanimous in their opposition to the buildin


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