

he用英语造的句子 2023-01-05 01:48 488 墨鱼


14、itwasn't serious—itwas all done in fun.(那不是认真的,全是闹着玩的。15、Leo madeitsound so easy. Butitwasn't.(利奥把这事说得好像挺简单,其实不是My baby is cute.It's the apple in my eyes. 3.指代时间、天气、距离等自然现象It takes me ten minutes to go home. 二、It作主语的句型1.It takes sb. some time to do sth

词语it造句,用it造句:76 No matter how darkitis, there will always be light. 77 “我记得当时我从舷窗往外看”Smith说。78 she write like an angel, when writing a go用because造句because of +名词because + 句子造句简单点的还有一个dig it up造句英语人气:377 ℃时间:2019-09-26 00:21:32优质解答They moved here because

╯△╰ wait造句子1、你若想要得到,就别只是期望。人生短暂,经不起等待。Ifyouwantsomething,don’twishforit.Lifeistooshortto wait . 2、wait er,两份三文鱼海鲜比萨,两杯鲜榨橙汁,一份单词IT 例句大全,用单词IT造句:There is a bitof a problem. 有一点儿问题。There is a rebate with a purchase. 购物有折扣。a room with a view 能观景的房间to have a

It的造句一、it…不定式1、It is wrong to tell a lie.(撒谎是不对的。2、He does not think it wrong to tell a lie.(他不认为撒谎是不对的。3、Your father thought(1、It really isnt half bad, is it? 这的确很不错,对吗?2、Ive had it. Lets call it a day. 我受够了。我们今天就到这里吧。3、It sounds a great idea. Go for it ! 这

-It's half past ten. —“十点半”(指时间) It is late autumn now. 现在是深秋。指时间) 2. 用it为开头造句it is开头的来句子的主语1.It is very kind o一、its开头造句子简单?1、It's good to be a better man. 做一个更好的人真好。2、It's my book,not yours. 这是我的书,不是你的。3、It's hard for me to


标签: him造句简单句子



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