
give back造句,backache造句

have a gift for造句 2023-09-30 14:44 899 墨鱼
have a gift for造句

give back造句,backache造句

Give back there. The express is due.───往后退,快车就要进站了. But after a miserable year holding the ring, the generals would be glad of a way to give back thgive back造句复制1、You need togive backto the tribe and offer other tribe members your support, just as they support you.(你应该回到部落给予他人帮助,因为他们在

give back基本解释归还,恢复;后退;交还;退后网络释义1. 送还,恢复2. 还给3. 退还4. 归还,送回5. 发还6. 送还7. 送回8. 反射give back的用法和例句提示:点击例句中1、These mirrors cangive backvarious lights 2、Sponges" always take but nevergive back. 3、Yougive backmuch, much more. 4、Bella: Because Ihave not

ˋ^ˊ give back造句1、Finally, I give back to help others, which cements the knowledge in.最后,我返回来帮助其他人,进一步巩固我的知识。2、I believe that my own good forYou haven'tgiven backmy pencil. 你还没有把我的铅笔还给我。3 相关短语send back归还。return sth to sb将某物还给某人。4 其他链接:

givesthbacktosb造句简单1. 我们应该尽力将我们所拥有的回馈给那些曾经帮助过我们的人,这是一种回报的方式。2. 他从朋友那里借了一笔钱,现在他很感激朋友的帮助,决定尽快把give backv. 1.归还;恢复2.后退give sb back sth归还,使返回,恢复give sb the back不再理睬某人give back with interest连利息一起偿还某人加重回敬某人加倍还击某人


标签: backache造句



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