

go beyond造句 2023-12-22 18:47 304 墨鱼
go beyond造句


一、小作文、大作文简介二、作文的框架结构三、如何积累作文素材四、整理自己的专属模板五、作文sharings的造句和例句:1. Let's move on to mr . chen's house for more sharings 让我们移师到陈三郎老师的家,再一起分享吧2. We look forward to having similar sharing

9、Avis, a car-hire firm, has ashare ina sharing rival. 阿维斯是一家*公司,在共享服务行业的竞争中占有一席之地。10、He persistently asserted his right to ashare in1、This article proposes a new color visual secret sharing scheme. 2、Verifiable secret sharing scheme based on partial broadcast channels 3、It is

⊙▂⊙ n.共享;分配sp.动词share的现在分词.sharing详解释义sharing英英释义n.(名词)分享共享分配共价均分共用There are very few direct city funds that are being used for bike sharing . 目前,用于自行车分享项目的直接城市资金少之又少。It 's also a great alternative for privately sharing big c

>▽< 8. Sharing ideas can lead to innovation and progress. 分享想法可以促进创新和进步。9. Let's share the cost of the trip so that it's affordable for everyone. 让我Young children should learn that sharing is important. 小孩子应该懂得分享的重要性。A lot of people value privacy, even though they still love sharing on social m

⊙ω⊙ 第二步、尝试用简单的句子造句想一个以I am开头的句子:I'm …比如:I'm sleepy right now, because I stay up late last night and get up too early this morning for the book s单词sharing 例句大全,用单词sharing造句:bandsharing 通带共用制A Month forSharingFamily Love 与家人分享爱的时节Thank you forsharingthe band. 这张香港还有出售。谢


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