
My best friend,初一myfriend英语作文带翻译

mygood friend 2023-09-25 11:45 445 墨鱼
mygood friend

My best friend,初一myfriend英语作文带翻译

I think real friend is a man who can help you when you in trouble. 我认为真正的朋友是当你遇到困难时能帮助你的人. I think+宾语从句;who引导定语从句小红书App 标记我的生活打开看看1/3 残梦^o^关注英语作文,我的好朋友(My best friend)发布于2022-11-06 说点什么5 分享

My-Best-Friend网络我最好的朋友;我的好朋友;我最要好的朋友网络释义1. 我最好的朋友My Friend(我的朋友)--英语作文网Family,Friends,Career- 家庭,朋友,My Best Frimy best friend英语作文篇1 As I am now eighteen years of age,I have a great many friends. But one of them I like much better than any other. I became acquainted w

my best friend作文篇1 Im fifteen years old. He is fifteen years old, too. But he istaller than me and he is more outgoing than me. He go to school by bus ,but I go to My Best Friend 我的好朋友When everyone goes off to school, and I am still at home, 当大家都去上学时,我仍然呆在家里,I have a very special friend. 我有一个特别的朋友。

My best friend's name is Mary.She's a beautiful girl.She lives in Xu Zhou,but she isn't a Xu Zhou's girl,she's a Shang Hai's girl.Mary is only ten yI am very happy.This isMy Best Friend. Who is yourbestfriend.Can you tell me? 英语作文:My Best Friend 篇3 She has long,straight,black hair,big,black eyes and a small no


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