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GitLab 中文社区版用于代码协作的开源软件细粒度访问控制管理git 仓库以保证代码安全。使用合并请求进行代码审查并加强团体合作。每个项目均有自己的问题跟踪和维基页面极狐GitLab中文官网,提供企业级源代码管理,GitLab CI/CD,CodeReview,研发效能管理,GitLab DevSecOps等产品及服务。GitLab一站式DevOps平台,加速和优化软件开发全生命周期。现

.gitlabAdd latest changes from gitlab-org/gitlab@12-3-stable 4 years ago appMerge tag 'v12.3.3' into 12-3-stable-zh 4 years ago binAdd latest changes from gitlab-GitLab Enterprise Edition A complete DevOps platform GitLab is a single application for the entire software development lifecycle. From project planning and sour

(=`′=) GitLab GitWeb is pretty simplistic though. If you’re looking for a modern, fully featured Git server, there are several open source solutions out there that you can install insteadGitLab 中文社区版用于代码开发协作的开源软件通过细粒度的访问控制来管理Git存储库,确保您的代码安全。执行代码审查并通过合并请求的实现更紧密的开发协作。每个项目还

\ _ / GIT知识库使用GIT的9个理由稳定安全没有中央服务器,不存在单点故障随大流强大的社区是很大的优势保持工作独立模块化完成后进行代码提交,避免代码干扰自由的工作方式GitLab Community EditionYou need to sign in before continuing. Open source software to collaborate on code Manage git repositories with fine grained access contr

GitLab is the only Leader in The Forrester Wave™: Integrated Software Delivery Platforms, Q2 2023 Read the report What industry analysts are saying about GitLab 极狐GitLab顶级项目实践,提供中国企业管理样板一体化平台,贯穿研发流程无缝集成代码托管、CI/CD ,完整串联需求管理到应用上线多框架,适配多场景与团队支持SAFe/Spotify/LeSS等多种敏捷框架,不


标签: gitee仓库



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