H型,122-70mm 口径:B型,C型75mm(短管) D型,E型75mm(短管) F型,G型75mm(F1短管F2长管,G型长管) H型,75mm(长管) 3.四号坦克的优点与缺点 4号坦克作为德国综合性最好的坦克,优点是很明...
12-25 445
关于stand的常见短语及用法 |
be critical of,critical用法
•The next few months could becriticalfor thewholeminingindustry.•But as anactivist, I knew howcriticalher work was.•Things are nowcritical.Hospitalshave nomedicine, and people are然后在critic的后面加上al,形容词后缀,critical,就是“批判的,爱挑剔的”,另外crisis,有“紧要关头”的意思,所以critical也有“极其重要的,关键的”意思。二、用法1.be critical
The meaning of CRITICAL is inclined to criticize severely and unfavorably. How to use critical in a sentence. Synonym Discussion of Critical.It is natural for young people to be critical of their parents at times and to blame them for most of the misunderstandings between them. They have always complai
It was considerate of you not to play the piano while I was asleep. 在我睡觉时你不弹钢琴,真是体贴入微。▲be critical of 对……表示批评(谴责) The inquiry was cri104. in charge of (=responsible for) 负责(某事) in the charge of …由…管105. take charge of (=to be or become responsible for)负责管理(照顾) 106. charge…for 因…索取
be critical of的解释是:不满…同时,该页为英语学习者提供:be critical of的中文翻译、英英详解、单词音标、在线发音、例句等。Define critical. critical synonyms, critical pronunciation, critical translation, English dictionary definition of critical. adj. 1. Judging severely and finding
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标签: critical用法
H型,122-70mm 口径:B型,C型75mm(短管) D型,E型75mm(短管) F型,G型75mm(F1短管F2长管,G型长管) H型,75mm(长管) 3.四号坦克的优点与缺点 4号坦克作为德国综合性最好的坦克,优点是很明...
12-25 445
ThinkPad Numlock数字键锁定项{Independent(笔记本键盘独立,无视外接键盘上的NumLock状态), synchronized(同步,启用ThinkPad计算机上的NumLock,外接键盘上的Nu...
12-25 445
值得一提的是,三星Galaxy Z Fold3 5G还支持多功能处理功能,可以同时分屏开启三个应用程序,让用户体验到一机多用的畅快。比如大家常用的微信+微博,抖音+淘宝的双开组合,在三星Galaxy ...
12-25 445
新农人们,田里有了它,种再多菜都不怕 02:01 NBA两大消息!湖人就喜欢三后卫,勇士打出冠军级别防守 02:19 大爆冷!篮网残阵赢球,奇才六连败,陷入摆烂泥潭 加载更多 原来克罗地亚是...
12-25 445
n.m. = nom masculin 阳性名词 n.f. = nom féminin 阴性名词 n. pr. = nom propre 专有名词 pl. = pluriel 复数 pr éf. = préfixe 前缀 pr ép. = préposition 介词 pron...
12-25 445