
we have arrived,have opened

I arrived 2023-11-06 10:23 866 墨鱼
I arrived

we have arrived,have opened

网络已经到达;兵临城下网络释义1. 已经到达英语补充_爱问知识人“have they arrived”他们到了吗?“have arrived”已经到达“have eaten”已经吃完iask.sinaWe Have Arrived (我们到了) (《鼠来宝3》电影插曲) - Rae/Classic (《鼠来宝3》电影插曲) We have arrived 我们已经到达了Let the party begin 让我们的派

≥▂≤ there hadn't been the snow.可以(有这场雪)it hadn't been for the snow.(for)由于这场雪上述两种都可以,就是没有there hadn't been for the snow.there be巨We Have Arrived - Rae/Classic (《鼠来宝3》电影插曲) We have arrived我们已经到达了Let the party begin让我们的派对开始吧Throw your hands in the air air舞动你们的双手And everybo

条形码:3383001225328 豆瓣评分9.1 177人评价5星61.4% 4星33.1% 3星4.7% 2星0.0% 1星0.8% 想听在听听过评价:写短评写乐评加入豆列分享到推荐简介· ··· We 是we arrivedarrive不及物动词,没有被动形式哦!而且翻译下,“我们被到达了”,也不通,对吧?建议楼主多看看语法,好好理解下!加油

≥﹏≤ We have arrived It's all here and right now Get ready 'cuz the future's on it's way We're 'bout to take it over So are you ready Ah are you ready This is our world We have arrived in the hot, wet city of Bangkok.This is our first trip to Thailand(泰国).All the different smells make us want to try the food.We are going to eat something special f


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