

用headmaster造句 2023-09-24 15:17 194 墨鱼


百度试题结果1 结果2 题目用sad造句相关知识点:试题来源:解析I feel so sad today. 结果一题目用sad造句答案I feel so sad today. 相关推荐1 用sad造句反馈收藏1、When we'resad, we're reallysad. 2、Don't be sosad. 3、Don't be sosad! 4、He became verysad. 5、She felt verysad. 6、Recollection is a farce that

单词sad 例句大全,用单词sad造句:asadstate of affairs. 糟透的情况to besadabout something 因某事难过En when you aresad, bec. 心全意地爱你。Sing nosadsongs for meto be blue/to feel blue 感到无精打采,心情不好。是我们用颜色来表示心情的一个表达,非常口语化。例句Feel blue today, so I have played truant. 今天心情不好,所以我逃课了。

I feel sad because my little dog died yesterday.因为我的小狗昨天死了,所以我很伤心sad造句复制1、What asadstory!(真是一个悲伤的故事! 2、She felt verysad.(她感到很伤心。3、The relationship had been important to me and its loss left me feelin

1、It was sad that his international career should end in such anticlimax.令人悲哀的是,他的国际职业生涯竟如此惨淡收场。2、Her moods kept changing ─ no表达心情是口语写作中的必考的词,伤心💔除了sad,还有这些高级词‼️ 欢迎大家补充👏 1.depressed adj. 沮丧的,抑郁的😣 The Wolf is very sick and depressed. 狼感到很难受,而且很

●▽● 用sad造句1. I felt sad when I heard the news of my friend's passing. 2. The sad look on her face made me realize that something was wrong. 3. It's sad to see howsad英语造句,1、Nib trembling joy I am sad about the past.颤抖的笔尖诉说我喜悦悲伤的过往。2、their parting was a sad scene亲人分离的场面很感


标签: 用bring造句子



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