

入睡短语 2023-09-25 12:54 223 墨鱼


10.It is➕adj. of sb to do sth. 形容词修饰sb用of. It is very cosiderate of you not to play the piano while I was having a sleep. 你不在我睡觉的时候谈钢琴,你考虑是很周Don't fire until you see the whites of their eyes.

sleep的常用短语:用作名词(n.) have one's sleep out get off to sleep get to sleep go to sleep put to sleep 用作动词(v.) sleep around (v.+adv.) sleep away (v.+adv除了sleep late,我们还可以使用短语动词sleep in 来表示“迟起,睡过头,睡懒觉”,例如:My alarm didn't go off, and I ended up sleeping in by mistake!我的闹钟没有响,结果

14个有关睡觉(sleep)的短语:一、good sleep(睡眠好) 1、be out like a light(突然入睡) after a long day of hard work, she was out like a light when sheget to sleep 1. 睡着I couldn't get to sleep last night. 昨晚我睡不着。习惯用语beauty sleep■[口]上半夜的甜睡be dying with sleep■瞌睡得要死big sleep■长眠,死br

【“睡觉”的各种英语短语】1.have a nap 打个小盹2.doze off 打瞌睡3.have a siesta 午睡4.catch some more sleep.小睡片刻5.light sleeper 睡觉轻的人6.sleep around the c下面老师总结关于sleep的短语词组及固定搭配,一起来看一下吧。sleep walker 梦行者sleep out 不住工作地方的winter sleep 冬眠sleep nights 安眠的夜晚dee


标签: sleep的动词



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