
用come out造句带翻译,用a symbol of造句简单

such as造句子初二 2024-01-04 11:21 364 墨鱼
such as造句子初二

用come out造句带翻译,用a symbol of造句简单

come out of相似短语come out with v.发表,公布,说出,展出,供应发表,宣布,把投入市场come out in 出come out of that 走开!come out of 从…中出来,幸免于,由…引这本书本周出版。用come out造句Some flowers have begun to come out. 有些花现在已经开始开花了。How did the movie finally come out? 这部电影最后的结局如何?Some magazin

这本书本周出版。用come out造句Some flowers have begun to come out. 有些花现在已经开始开花了。How did the movie finally come out? 这部电影最后的结4. You know your ego's out of check when you have to come up with a reason you haven't been on TV yet. 5. When my children come home from school, their preferred

ˋ▽ˊ 翻译:但是也已经强调过,此次会议预计不会带来重大政策转变。例句:The seedlingscome outevenly . 翻译:出苗整齐。例句:It comes out right every time . 翻译:屡试不爽。例句:When it comes to..e out 英[kʌm aʊt]美[kʌm aʊt] 释义常用牛津词典释义出来;出现;出版;出狱;双语例句全部出来出版出狱1. The book comes out this week 这本书本周出版。

46.We steal,in,out, etc in great secrecy 偷偷地走动用steal in,out,etc. -- 来源-- 英汉- 翻译参考[网络]好评(10)差评() 47.Most owlscomeoutto find food at night. 大Come out of the room, please. Let's count the stars.请从房间里出来,咱们一起数星星吧。


标签: 用a symbol of造句简单



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