
bring造句子,be made from造句

advantage造句子 2023-12-29 18:10 669 墨鱼

bring造句子,be made from造句

② Bring the whole family along. 把全家都带过来嘛。好了,这就是本期的表达,你能用along的词组造两个句子吗?卡片收一收本文英文卡片由卡片山谷英语原创制作,如果喜欢,给我们bring怎么造句?相关知识点:试题来源:解析Don't forget to bring your homework tomorrow.明天不要忘了把作业带来.bring:表示把东西带到说话的地方来.欢迎追问,(≧▽≦)/~

单词bring 例句大全,用单词bring造句:Bringme account, please. 请把账单给我。Bringme the account, please. 请把帐单给我。Ibringthe throttles out of AB. 我这时将油Please don't bring your children with you for a business interview. Don't forget to remember me to your family. 记得代我向你们家人问好I treated myself to a new dress

ˋ△ˊ the neighbours running over.她的哭声使邻居们跑过来。Fish is bringing a high price this week.本周鱼的售价很高bring造句bring 造句bring 造句如下:1、He brought a new book with him. 他带来一本新书。2、What brings you here today? 今天是什么风把你吹来了?3、Her cries broug

1、bring tothe gangway 2、ostanbring tojustice 3、bring towrack and ruin 4、Cover;bring toa boil. 5、May more lovebring toAfrica. 6、What could itbr25、Bring her—bringthe old servants; they, too, will know me. 26、Though group client willbringprofit, they also willbringrisk at the same time. 27

bring造句如下:1、That reminds me to bring you up to speed on the soap opera.那提醒我要让你跟上那剧情。2、He14、bringa coat. It might turn chilly later.(带件大衣,过一会儿天气可能会变冷。15、I don't want tobringshame on the family name.(我不想给家庭的声誉带来耻辱。16


标签: be made from造句



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