

四种疑问句 2023-12-04 23:02 571 墨鱼


‘used to’in Questions used to 的疑问形式‘usedto’in Positive and negative Statements used to的肯定和否定形式used to + 动词不定式表示在过去的某个时间段的习惯否定式:used not to do sth. 口语中:didn’t use to do sth. (used not可缩写为usedn’t或usen’t.) e.g.I used not to live there when I was a child. I didn’t use to li

used to do的否定是didn't use to do或者usedn't to do.He usedn't to be a teacher./He didn't use to be a teacher.used todo的疑问形式是将used提前,或者在used to do的否定形式是didn't use to do或usedn't to do。疑问形式是Did you use to do sth?used to所表示的意思是

>^< 一是它的否定形式和疑问句形式。否定形式为:didn't use to或usedn't to; 疑问形式为:Diduse to?或Usedto?例如:(1)He used to go swimming on Sundays,___ ___(used否定句和疑问句used to表示过去常常做某事。指过去经常的习惯,但现在不再这样了,常译为“过去常常”。其中的to是不定式符号,后面要接动词原形。它只有过去式一种形式,可

1 第一,used to do表示“过去常常做某事”。比如:Kangkang used to paly the piano.康康过去常弹钢琴。2 第二,used to do的否定形式:didn't use to do。这里需要注意:used to do 的否定形式used to do 的疑问句形式操作方法01 第一,used to do表示“过去常常做某事”。比如:Kangkang used to paly the piano.康康过去常弹钢

n 否定式:used not to do sth.口语中:didn’t use to do sth.(used not可缩写为usedn’t或usen’t.)e.g. I used not to live there when I was a child.I didn’3. used to do的反意疑问句形式也有两种,类似于否定句形式。e.g. They used to see English movies on Sundays,usedn' t they?/d


标签: 否定的一般疑问句的回答



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