
stone造句,the earth造句

truth造句简单 2023-09-30 20:58 809 墨鱼

stone造句,the earth造句

stone造句Nicholson AN, Smith PA,StoneBM et coll. Susperia sort ensuite Cut fromstoneen 2007. Comme psychotrope elle procure d'avantage un effetstone. DiBona C, Oget blood from a stone 石中取血;不可能。give a stone and a beating to sb. 〔原赛马〕轻而易举地胜过(某人)。give sb. a stone for bread 拿石头当面包给;表面帮忙实则

1.a quarry worker who splits off blocks of stone.一个开劈石头的采石工。2.The wood was painted to imitate stone.木头涂油漆假充石头。3.His head struck against a sstone造句1. The ancient Egyptians used stone to build their magnificent pyramids. 2. The artist carved a beautiful sculpture out of a block of stone. 3. The cast

1、Marble is aprecious stone. 2、A diamond is aprecious stone. 3、jade and semi-precious stonecarvings 4、A blueprecious stone, perhaps the sapphire,stone n. 石头;结石;宝] 宝石a pile of stones 一堆石块adj. 石的,石制的a stone floor 石地板vt. 向扔石块;用石头铺throw stones at sb 向某人扔石头

≥﹏≤ 7、dress leather,stone, etc 8、hewstonefor building 9、Anhui Lingbi County jadestoneorigin has Melaleucastone, white Qiancengstone, yellow Qiancengsstone英语造句,1、The boy picked up a stone and threw it at the streetlight.那个男孩捡起一块石头朝街灯砸去。2、Of or relating to the

stone造句复制1、He weighs over 15stone.(他体重超过15英石。2、Thestonewas dropped from a great height.(那块石头是从很高的地方掉落下来的。3、Thestonerolled dostone wall,stone formation 权威英汉双解英汉英英网络释义stone 显示所有例句n. 硬物质hard substance 1. [u] 石头;石料;岩石a hard solid mineral substance that is


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