
takeadvantage of造句,devoted oneself to造句

be focus on造句 2024-01-08 09:36 613 墨鱼
be focus on造句

takeadvantage of造句,devoted oneself to造句

1."take advantage of"还是"make advantage of"? "take advantage of"这个搭配在美剧里面经常出现,表示“趁之机,利用”的意思。如:Who says I'm taking advantage of them? 谁3、There are honest mistakes, but at times someone may try totake advantage ofyou.(有些人是无心之过,但有时会有人试图利用你。4、Parents should actively urge their children totake ad

2、You should take advantage of it。你应该好好利用这个机会。3、They took full advantage of the hotel's facilities。他们充分利用旅馆的设备。4、He has always be2.He never seems to notice when people take advantage of him.他好像从来都感觉不到别人在利用他

12.Itissaidthatbatshavebeenusingradarformillionsofyears. 13.Totellthetruth,manymistakeswemadecouldhavebeenavoided. 14.Asweknow,itwasnotuntilrecently单词take advantage of 例句大全,用单词take advantage of造句:You might be able totake advantage ofme. 你可能会趁机占我便宜。It cannot be denied that there are cer

take advantage of有两个意思,所以,造句分别如下:1、利用He took advantage of the good weather to go for a wtake advantage of有两个意思,所以,造句分别如下:1. 利用He took advantage of the good weather to go for a walk.他趁着天气好,出去散散步。2. 欺骗,占

〖takeadvantageofaloophole〗钻空子,利用漏洞乘隙猛攻乘兴chéngxìng〖whileoneisinhighspirits;comeonanimpulse〗乘着一时高兴乘虚chéngxū〖takeaadvantageofaweakpoint11、He never takes advantage of another's helplessness or ignorance, and assumes that no gentleman willtake advantage ofhim. 12、The valley's many k


标签: devoted oneself to造句



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