
as it were的用法,as在英语中的使用

brief as it was 2023-09-23 15:47 934 墨鱼
brief as it was

as it were的用法,as在英语中的使用

as it were 美英na.好似;似乎;可谓同义词adv. so to speak,in a manner of speaking,sort of,so to say 英汉英英na. 1. 如同,好似,仿佛2. 似乎,可以说是3. 可谓,好像as it were的用法"As it were"是一个习惯用语,通常用于引出一种比喻或模拟的情况,以帮助解释或描述某个概念或情况。这个用语通常用于引用或模仿别人的言语或行为,以突出其特

as it were的用法和样例:例句He is my best friend, my brother, as it were. 他是我最好的朋友,可以说是我的兄弟。That's a good joke but I think I can cap it. 那是个2.as it were的意义和用法释义:可以说;似乎;可谓;在某种程度上(as one might say; as could be said,as if it were really so)例句:2.1. As it were, we have this ever ev

as if it were really so 同义词:so to speak 例句:He is, as it were, an eternal boy. 他好像是个永远年轻的小伙子。He is my best friend, my second self, as it were在虚拟语气的从句中,动词be的过去时态一律用were,不用was。If I were him,I would not go there. 如果我是他,就不会去那。祝同学学习进步~ 版权申明:知识和讨论来自课程:《新概念英语1、2、3、

用法:as it were是固定用法,多位于句中或者句末,在句中作插入语。例句1:He can be, as it were, the most talented musician since modern times. 他可以说是近as it were 可用作插入语,意思是“似乎”、“可以说是”,通常位于句中,也可用于句末。as it were插入句中是对前面提到的某个词或某个意思语气上的婉转,表示不

The company是主语,as引导定语从句,在从句中作表语,it是主语,were是系动词,the largest enterprise in the city是同位语,其中in the city是后置定语。20201119作业:11)as it were (were就是虚拟语气)-通常插在句子中间,表示“姑且这么说”例句:He is,as it were,a walking dictionary.他可以说是一部活字典。例句:The English,the Scots and t


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