
brought to justice,bring to justice

justice用法 2023-02-11 09:47 175 墨鱼

brought to justice,bring to justice

brought to justice 翻译结果5复制译文编辑译文朗读译文返回顶部Restraining according to the law 相关内容a因为我以前没有包饺子正在翻译,请等待[translate] aThere'bring to justice英美美[brɪŋ tu ˈdʒʌstɪs] 绳之以法;把……交付审判;使归案受审网络翻译绳之以法不遗余力做某事)彻查此案,将犯下滔天罪行( heinous crime )的凶

At last the criminals are being brought to justice.这个罪犯终于要依法惩处了。The criminals were finally brought to justice.罪犯们最终被缉拿归案。权威例句The Ca犯案fàn ànbefound out andbroughttojustice 归案guī ànbringtojustice 临产lín chǎnbebroughttobed 捉拿归案zhuō ná guī ànbringtojustice 辱没rǔ méi stoop;be

Define brought to justice. brought to justice synonyms, brought to justice pronunciation, brought to justice translation, English dictionary definition of broughtsb be brought to justice (某人)被绳之以法,缉拿归案justice of the bench(英)皇家民事法庭法官justices of appeal(英)上诉法院法官按照1873年《司法组织法》judicature act)建立的英格兰上

在现代语境下,一般是在法律层面的justice。当然你要是翻译水浒传,直接替天行道就完事了。举个例子,受害者家属要求凶手必须被严惩。The victim's family demands that the killer m同学你好,很高兴为您解答!be brought to justice,您说的这个英文词语在我国中很常见,是属于英文会计考试核心词汇其中的一个,学好该类词汇对您的英文证书考取

bring to justice的英文翻译是什么意思,词典释义与在线翻译:参考翻译将某人交法院审判bring to justice的用法和样例:例句At last the criminals are being brought to jCATTI笔译词汇(法律-英译汉)-1_普特英语听力be brought to justice法律追究benefit of cession 财产让与权putclub|基于4个网页例句释义:全部,被绳之以法


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