
be done的词性,for的词性

done 2023-11-25 23:13 850 墨鱼

be done的词性,for的词性

∩▽∩ done可以作形容词、感叹词和动词(过去分词)。具体分析:1. done,dʌn/ ;adj. 完成的;煮熟的;不再发生的3)___should be done has been done. D主语是It,做___主语,真正的主语在后面. 规则同ABC 1) It is great that I have students like you. ←→ ___ I have st

被动语态结构be done中,be是助动词,不是系动词,其存在是起到构建句型的语法作用,需要借助它来反映- I had thought he would be nervous in this speech competition, but he turned out to be calm. - Hemust have donequite enough preparation for it. 推测,他肯定做了很多准备。

This job could be done equally well by a computer.这个工作用计算机同样可以做得很好。二、done造句:1、Never done no wrong.2、The stithing so done.3、Good job, you're donebe done结构常见来说就是被动语态的动词格式。即动词转换为过去分词,再在前面加上助动词be(起到帮助

词义:'to be done'是表示尚未完成或需要完成的任务、行动或事件。词性:'to be done'是动词短语,由助动词'to be' 和动词过去分词'done' 组成。词组搭配和短语:'to be done'通be是动词词性。be动词一般的意思是:是,此种用法,有多种变化形式,am, is, are,was,were,being,been.另外,be动词还有成为的意思。根据句子中不同的人称、数和时间,型态,应该选择相应的be动词。一、


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