
have much to do,have a lot to do

have much time to do sth 2023-12-28 20:48 806 墨鱼
have much time to do sth

have much to do,have a lot to do

+▂+ 题目have much to do是什么相关知识点:试题来源:解析有很多事情要做结果一题目have much to do是什么答案有很多事情要做相关推荐1 have much to do是什么反馈have much to do 这里不是有很多东西要做的意思,而是与很有关系的意思do后面的都是宾语整句是意思就是:与他们从其他人那里得到帮助的多少有很大关系!明白了吗?

ˇ▽ˇ have much to do with 美英v.与…关系不大英汉v. 1. 与…关系不大例句释义:全部,与…关系不大更多例句筛选1. "Butyoudidn'thavemuchtodowithhim,didyou?"wentonDrou3、I shall try,with as much patience as is possible,to explain yet again. 我会尽可能耐心地试着再解释一遍。4、I have so much homework to do. 我有如此多的家庭作业要做。

have much to do with与…有很大的关系have much inducement to do sth很想去做某事do muchvi.极有用have to do withv.与有关as much as one can do尽最大努力to do The United States’Need for a New Icebreaker Doesn’t Really Have Much to Do With Russia Real tort tax doesn't have much to do with lawsuits

⊙^⊙ have much to do 英美vt.直接有关(与很有关系) 分享单词到:So basically,wedonothave muchtosay against the present arrangements. Only that we hope that there can be somewaywithfewer restrictions to facilitate the inflow of


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