
be doing造句简单,similar to 造句

as if造句简单 2023-08-26 22:25 107 墨鱼
as if造句简单

be doing造句简单,similar to 造句

下面是一些例句,帮助你更好地理解be doing的用法。1. I am studying English now. 我现在正在学习英语。2. She is cooking dinner for us. 她正在为我们做晚饭。3. They aI'm busy doing homework 我忙于写作业

be busy doing造句10个相关知识点:试题来源:解析1. I am busy playing. 2. I am busy watching TV. 3. I am busy doing my homework. 4. I am busy finishing the worbe doing sth 正在做某事造句:1、He is doing household chores. 他正在做家务。2、Jack is doing very well at school. 杰克在学校里学习成绩斐然。3、He is doing the best j

╯▂╰ 【用Beafraidthat/ofsth/doing造句】【用getusedto⑴sth⑵doing造句】用solve a problem by doing造句用stoptodo/doing或remembertodo/doing造句10个(不能I pretend to be listening carefully.这也太简单了吧要像这样的“Thestudentspretendedtobe readingwhenthe teachercamein简单句子容易理解拜托啊再想几个

be good at doing sth造句【一】1 . 噢,我可以先看看吗?2 . 我们的学校的师生经过一番努力后,竟然出书了!李恺玥) 3 . Andwhatismore,intraditionalChineseIwaswatchingTVwhenIheardaknockonthedoor.


The government not only has to do something, it must be seen to be doing something(= people must be aware th2.现在进行时(be doing) 的用法:上了初一就教这个吧,比一般现在还简单。表示现在正在做的动作,但要注意有的动词不能用…zhidao.baidu|基于92个网页3. 现在进行时态动


标签: similar to 造句



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