
be committed to doing,becommitted to加什么

be admitted to do 2023-11-22 12:39 735 墨鱼
be admitted to do

be committed to doing,becommitted to加什么

Unit 1 M5 Key words and 29.be anchored in 扎根于36.be committed to doing致力于做39.be sensitive to 对。。。敏感ruiwen|基于2个网页2. 尽心尽力致力于做某事的英语词组有:be committed to doing sth;be dedicated to doing sth;be devoted to doing sth。可互换。相似词组:使某人致力于做某事:devote one

致力于做某事英语怎么说致力于做某事的英语词组有:be committed to doing sth; be dedicated to doing sth;be devoted to doing sth。可互换。相似词组:使某be committed to是固定短语,后接名词或动名词:be committed to (doing)sth,意思为“致力于、献身

be committed to doing sth的意思致力于做某事例句:1.And that's what I'm committed to doing.这就是我所致力于做的.2.Nicole has committed herself to doinbe committed to doing sth的意思致力于做某事例句:1.And that's what I'm committed to doing.这就是我所致力于做的.2.Nicole has committed herself to doin

Be committed to doing sth/sth 的基本含义就是“致力于”,我们在政府工作报告的英文版中经常会看到它的身影。但实际上只要句子中含有“坚持”含义都可以考虑用这个词,最在国be committed to doing sth发音意思翻译致力于做某事相似词语短语doing sth───正在做某事be halfway to doing sth───在做某事的中途be busy doing sth───


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