
when it comes to后面跟什么,when it come to doing

it comes to do 2023-02-13 19:31 826 墨鱼
it comes to do

when it comes to后面跟什么,when it come to doing

大家好,今天小六子来为大家解答以下的问题,关于when it comes to后面加什么形式这个很多人还不知道,现在让我们一起来看看吧!1、when it comes to 当提到whenitcomesto可加动名词doing 或名词,因为这个to 是介词。when it comes to:一谈到;当提到;当谈到扩展资料例句:When it comes to getting off work, he k

如:when it comes to making decision,……谈及到做决定这事情)可以改写为“Talking about making decision" 用法(1) 是后面接名词或接动词的ING 形式(动名词) (2) whewhen it comes to ……常用句式,用于对某特定话题谈论对该问答的看法时使用,其后接something 或doing something, 表示“当涉及某事(或做某事)时““谈、说、论到……、“在……

when it comes to 1.一谈到……;就……而论2.当谈论到…涉及到3.当提到一种情况是后面直接加名词作宾语:When it comes to diet and exercise,When it comes to wildlife protection 是when 引导的时间状语从句,后面是主句。2)when it comes to (doing) sth.在某方面;说到(做某事) Both groups scored similarly wh

可加动名词doing 或名词,因为这个to 是介词.例句(源自金山词霸2009牛津版):When it comes to dancing,I'm all thumbs.谈到跳舞,我真是一窍不通.When it come可加动名词doing因为to是介词。when it comes to dancing,i am all thumbs 谈到舞蹈,我一窍不通。when it comes to当涉及某事(或做某事)时when it comes to somthing or when it


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