
My ideal career,my ideal company

My Ideal Job 2023-12-17 17:44 749 墨鱼
My Ideal Job

My ideal career,my ideal company

idealcareer作文理想职业英语MyIdealCareerMorning,everyone.mygreathonorstandheregiveyoupresentation.Someclassmateshavetalkedidealcareer,asme,mydreams例句释义:全部,我理想的职业,相关文档推荐,财富值更多例句筛选1. These are the reasons why I choose professor as my ideal career. 这正是我选择教授作为我的理想职业

>^< MyIdeal Career Morning ,everyone. I'm ***. It's my great honor to stand here andgive you a presentation. Some classmates have talked their ideal career,as forme ,高分英语作文1:My ideal career For me, finally, before my two long vacations, being with students who are beginning to grow and change provides an o

MBTIonline Careers is designed with a specific focus—to help you find your ideal career. While you’ll still determine your MBTI type and learn about your personMy dream career英语作文篇1 Everyone has a different dream career ,because everyone has own dream . For example ,some people want to be a doctor ,some people want

第一篇:My ideal career My ideal career In the past two years of my college life I have been always asking it myself about what career I shall take u1、MyIdealCareer【篇一】我的理想职业MyIdealCareerTeacherisagreatjobinmoststudentseyes.Whentheyareaskedwhattheywanttobeinthefuture,mostwillsaytheywanttobeateacherandmake


标签: my ideal company



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