
call for造句,become popular among造句

both造句翻译 2023-09-29 21:47 309 墨鱼

call for造句,become popular among造句

79.Callfortheambulance, please. 请呼叫救护车。- 来源-- 疯狂英语900句- Lesson 63 Talking about Security好评(10)差评() 80.Thecallforfollowers to become more devcall的词组造句call back To communicate the need for (someone) to return from one situation or location to a previous one:召回:通知需要(某人)从现状或位置返回到

call for造句1、Speaking of which, dad says he knows someone you can call for an interview.说起这个,老爸说他认识个人,你要是想面试可以打给他。2、APEC leaders call 单词call for 例句大全,用单词call for造句:CALL FOREXPRESSIONS OF INTEREST Questionnaire 意向调查问卷call forsb 去接某人一起去做某事Patientscall forlocal treatme

call for的基本解释:叫(某人)来,要求,为叫喊,为叫英语解释:动词call for:express the need or desire for; ask for同义词:request, bespeak, quest一、call for作动词,表示“需要”的意思例句:1. The task called for a lot of courage and determination. 这项任务需要很多勇气和决心。2. The situation calls for imm

He called for a sports meeting last summer.去年他号召了一场运动会。24、What a miracle it would be for a manufacturer to keep a consistent style in his advertisingcampaign fora long time! 25、Malay students rallied a

类型英语造句1、Thecall forlaw and order replaced the "permissive tolerance" of the 1960s.(对法治的呼吁取代了20世纪60年代的“姑息忍让”。2、There isn't a lot of1. We will call for her early tomorrow morning. 我们明天一早就去接她。2. call for的意思2. This is a problem that calls for immediate solution. 这是个迫切需要解


标签: become popular among造句



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