

sort造句简单 2023-12-04 20:11 478 墨鱼


recently造句复制1、I've gained weightrecently.(最近我的体重增加了。2、Laws on gambling have tightened uprecently.(有关赌博的法律最近变得更加严厉。3、She hasi haven’t been sleeping well recently [lately]. 我最近一直未睡好。his visits used to be rare, but lately [recently] he has been here quite a lot. 他过去很少去(

recent造句1. Recently, I have been working hard in my studies and spending a lot of time preparing for the upcoming exam. 2. Recently, I joined a community servi10、I've been seeing dementia everywhererecently. 11、Our company hasrecentlyupdated its equipment. 12、I've been quite badly offrecently. 13、Sherec

单词recently 例句大全,用单词recently造句:Recentlyaccumulated loess. 新近堆积黄土She had an abortionrecently. 她最近做了打胎。The accident occurredrecently. 这1、recently是什么意思:主要用作为副词,译为“最近;新近”。2、造句:(1)Hes been overdoing things recently

recently 位于句末:She put on weight recently. 她最近体重增加了。There has been a drop in crime recently. 近来犯罪率有所降低。I got a letter from 1 The bank recently opened a branch in Germany 这家银行最近在德国开设了分行。It is only fairly recently that historians have begun to investigate the qu


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