
emotional aims,emotional aim

teaching aims有哪些 2023-12-07 22:19 589 墨鱼
teaching aims有哪些

emotional aims,emotional aim

Next, I’d like to talk about the teaching aims. I set the teaching aims from 3 dimensions according to the New Curriculum Standard for English. The3.Emotional Aims Ss can be aware of the importance of (如良好习惯,环保意识,爱国情感等,具体问题具体分析,题目没要求写可不写,但知识和技能目标必须写。Teaching Process(教学

emotional aims发音意思翻译情感目标相似词语短语aims───vt.把……对准;针对(aim的三单形式);vi.目的在于;瞄准(aim的三单形式);n.目的;瞄准(aim的复数形式) emotioemotion,emotion aims 情感目标。emotion 英[ɪ'məʊʃn]   美[ɪ'moʊʃn]n

╯0╰ Students can improve their speaking skills through dialuge and group discussion. Emotional aims: Students can know the importance of reading and can develop a good habi网络情感目标网络释义1. 情感目标3、情感目标(Emotional aim) 学会合理安排时间,养成良好行为习惯。五、教学重难点教学重点:关于谈论周末情况的重点句…1-123|

必应词典为您提供Emotional-Aims的释义,网络释义:情感目标;情意目标;情感态度;emotional lability情绪不稳emotional aims情感目标双语例句I apologize about my emotional speech to you.我道歉关于我的情感讲话对您。Our acting was so marvelous that no


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