
be in favor of造句,be in favor of喜欢

in sb's favor造句 2023-06-12 12:39 858 墨鱼
in sb's favor造句

be in favor of造句,be in favor of喜欢

5.We shouldbeinfavorofthe policy of rejasing. 我们应提倡废物回收。- 来源-- 英语惯用法100(1) - Part 50 Product好评(10)差评() 6.Why everymanbeinfavorofthe privacWe shouldbe in favor ofthe policy of rejasing. 我们应提倡废物回收. 互联网You willbe in favor ofthe decision, will not you ? 你会赞成这个决定的,不是吗? 互联网

Infact,ifThomas Jefferson were around today,thechairmanoftheCatoInstitutesaysthathe'dlikelybeinfavorofgaymarriage.Why? 事实上,如果托马斯杰佛逊还在的话,卡托研究所be in favor of的用法和样例:例句The judge decided in favor of the plaintiff. 法官作出了有利于原告的裁决。Olympics will be good for tourism. 奥运会的召开将有利于

be in favor with不受宠失宠by favor of敬烦便交,请面交(信封上用语) in favor得宠,受到宠爱be in favor of有利于,支持with favor of敬烦便交,请面交(信封上用语16、There's something to be said in favor of privacy.(支持保护隐私的人也有话要说。17、But not everyone is in favor of the phenomenon.(但是,不是所有

●ω● I am in favour of the proposal. 同義詞與例句be in favor ofUS agree I suggested they seek legal counsel and they agreed. accept I have no choice but to accept the ruling of the courtThe man in favor of you is a teacher.定语I am here in favor of you.状语in favour of [英][in ˈfeivə ɔv][美][ɪn ˈfevɚ ʌv] 为…而交战,参与支持…的活动;例句:1

●▂● be in favour of 同意,支持offer opportunites to……=give chance to do……提be in favour of = be for = be on 25、He rejected an objective understanding of color,in favor ofa more subjective understanding. 26、With strong economic strength, so that a variety


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