

cook造句简单 2023-06-12 11:56 838 墨鱼


造句:她那个人就是不讲理,说不过妯娌就死缠活道,非要多分一间房子。【鬼鬼道道】释义:形容行动不光明正大,偷偷摸摸的做事造句:隔壁那家人每天鬼鬼道道的,除1.I want you to get into the habit of doing your homework as soon as you come home from school. 我希望你养成一从学校回到家就马上做作业的习惯。2.If

1.I was at school yesterday. I wasn't at school yesterday. Were you at school yesterday? 2.They were in Grade One last year. They weren't in Grade O单词school 例句大全,用单词school造句:Apart from playing atschoolI go to sportsschoolevery weekend. 除开在学校踢球之外,我每周末都去体校。I went to gradeschoolin

school造句复制1、They've been best mates sinceschool.(他们从上学时期以来就是最要好的朋友。2、I'll meet you outside theschool.(我在学校外面等你。【好工具hao86造句:My mother tells him to call me back。我妈妈叫他回电话给我。返回学校的英语单词的造句?返回学校return to school;go back to school;be back to school造句:We must retu

7. Does the school cater for all abilities? 学校能够做到因材施教吗?8. They tackled them to the best of their ability. 他们竭尽全力给予解决。9. We should develop the st1)School[英][sku:l][美][skul]学校1.Investigation on Hygiene State of Drinking Water in The Middle and Primary Schools of YiBing County;宜宾县中小学校生活饮用水卫

1.School is the place where knowledge is imparted to the students and where they acquire the basic education to become a successful person in life. 2.My school daschool造句1、The school expects its pupils to be on time.学校要求学生准时到校2、Im a high school lover我是一个中学生爱人。3、Missing school to watch the footbal


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