
on the test,the day of

in tests 2024-01-01 10:14 344 墨鱼
in tests

on the test,the day of

?0? in the testRight now I can't actually think of a time when you would use "in the test". Usually we use "on". Teacher: "Write this down. This will bea test on sthThe tests on thetoysfoundthat they haddangerouslyhighleadlevels. If tests showinfection,computeruserscantryanti-virussoftware. asituationthatshowshow

There are over 30 test centres in the UK. You can choose where to take your test when you book. Prepare for the test You’ll be tested on information in theofficiEverything you need to know for the test: Find out more about the test Booking the official test Preparing for the test What to expect at the test center? Common

ˋ^ˊ〉-# 区别是:at the test强调在试验中。on the test指的是关于测试的事情。例句辨析:at the test 1、Okay, so should we look at the test now?好了,我们现在可以看Follow us on social media to stay up to date with the latest English language advice and preparation tips from IELTS. LinkedIn Facebook Instagram YouTube Get Started Taking a test

ˋ^ˊ〉-# Got me on the test.让我参加了考试。重点词汇:1.Got v. 得到,明白n. 人名;戈特相关短语:got off 出发2.testThiseliminatesthebeginningandendofthetestonthetestresults,you can more accuratelyreflectthesituationof thetest. 这样,就消除了测试开始与结束时的波动对测试结果的影


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