
use sth to do sth造句,Keep doing something造句

volunteer to do sth 2023-09-26 16:00 987 墨鱼
volunteer to do sth

use sth to do sth造句,Keep doing something造句

1. use v. 使用;运用use sth to do sth 用某物来做某事I use my dictionary to look up new words. 我使用字典来查新单词。2. use n. 用途;用处make (full)use of (充分)利用use sth to do sthbe used to doused to do sthbe/get used to doing 相关知识点:试题来源:解析people use fire to cook fire is used to cook they used to fly a kite i

(ˉ▽ˉ;) usesthtodosth造句5个:We used the seal's fur for coats.我们用海豹皮做大衣;She decided to use it for gifts.她决定用它作礼物等。扩展资料use sth to do答案解析查看更多优质解析解答一举报use sth.to do sth.用某物做某事use sth.for doing sth.用某物做某事We use erasers to clean the blackboard. 解析

use sth to do sth 造句【一】1 . 掌握自己的命运。2 . 睡觉的时候妈妈总爱跟我猜脑筋急转弯,我竟然一一答对了(杨俊) 3 . 今天阳光明媚,我的心情也特别地好,use sth to do sth造句1. I use my phone to check the weather every morning before I leave the house. 2. She uses her laptop to write her essays for school. 3. He

答:use sth.to do sth.用某物做某事use sth.for doing sth.用某物做某事We use erasers to clean the blackboard. 用"used to do sth"造句答:He used to douse sth.to do sth.用某物做某事use sth.for doing sth.用某物做某事We use erasers to clean the blackboard.

●▂● 用use…to造句配中文优选22句1、Iusedtosmokealot,butnowIdon'tsmoke. 2、Weuseeraserstocleantheblackboard. 3、usesth.fordoingsth.用某物做某事4、Iusedtuse 四个结构分别怎么造句?use sth to do sthbe used to doused to do sthbe/get used to doing 答案people use fire to cookfire is used to cookthey used to fly a kite


标签: Keep doing something造句



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