
cork答案,cork bark

reading雅思原文答案 2023-11-15 13:09 480 墨鱼

cork答案,cork bark

答案:FALSE 关键词:25 years;between first and second harvest 定位原文:第四段第四句“From the planting of a cork sapling to the first harvest takes 251.The cork oak has the thickest bark of any living tree. 答案:NOT GIVEN 题目解析:这道题目的对应原文在第二段的第二句,“Its bark grows up to 20cm in thickness, insu

7、Cork雅思阅读老烤鸭提供的素材质量高,可以帮助大家有效地提高阅读能力,更好地应对考试。8、Cork雅思阅读老烤鸭的资源更新及时,可以帮助大家跟上最考试动态,及时作出学习调整,在1.The cork oak has the thickest bark of any living tree. 2.Scientists have developed a synthetic cork with the same cellular structure as natural co

正确答案:NOT GIVEN 解析:题干关键词:cork oak(软木橡树),thickest bark(最厚的树皮) 原文定位:第1段第1行:Cork- the thick bark of cork old tree…软木橡树皮-源于老橡树答案:B 解析:无28. (单选题) Chinese and mathematics have always been the ___ subjects in primary and secondary schools in China.(本题1.0分) A. cork B. cord C. cor

雅思剑12阅读Test5 Passage1答案解析Test 5 Passage 1 Question 1 答案:NOT GIVEN 关键词:cork oak; thickest bark 定位原文:第二段第二句“Its bark grows up to 20cm in t1.cork雅思family excursions雅思听力答案,雅思听力备考与* 升一起,看完记笔记后,不知所云:雅思听力备考注意事项:1.注重对于雅思听力备考来说,不是简单的做题方法,而是要从听到信

剑桥雅思12Test5Passage1阅读答案解析Cork 木栓剑桥雅思12阅读第五套题目第一篇文章的13道题由5道TRUE/FALSE/NOT GIVEN判断和8道笔记填空题构成。判断主要针对前5段的内容,而填空剑桥雅思真题12Test5阅读P1-Cork答案+解析Reading Passage 1, Questions 1-5 1.The cork oak has the thickest bark of any living tree. 答案:NOT GIVEN 题


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