
draw attention to造句,occur造句简单

go to bed造句 2024-01-03 16:25 296 墨鱼
go to bed造句

draw attention to造句,occur造句简单

1. draw attention to oneself:表示“引起别人对自己的注意”,常用于贬义,例如:She's always trying to draw attention to herself by showing off her wealth.(她总是试图炫怎麼使用希平方片語?she was just trying to draw his attention to the hat. 她只是試著要將他的注意力移到帽子上。複習之前學過的片語take to the streets

吸引某人的注意。例句:The teacher drew our attention to the blackboard.1、Ambitiouslydraw attention to(oneself) 2、And Idraw attention toit. 3、Use color to helpdraw attention tothese areas. 4、This article willdraw atte

Point out; draw attention to指出;说出Attract one's attention; draw one's attention引起某人注意Said to draw attention to the similarity of two things见到相同两事Donotsitinthecornerandsulk. Itdrawsattentioninanegativeway.Drawattentiontoyourself,butonyourownterms. 别坐在角落里生闷气,那会让你陷入到一个消极的情绪里,把注意力拉

˙ω˙ draw attention to的用法和样例:例句Showoffs never miss an opportunity to draw attention to themselves by some outrageous novelty. 爱显示自己的人遇事总喜欢标新立4、Use color to helpdraw attentionto these areas. 5、But this is what happens in free societies where people try todraw attentionto themselves. 6、T

ˋ▂ˊ draw your attention to + the fact that + 从句,表示引起你的注意到某个事实。draw your attention to + how/what/why/where/when + 从句,表示引起你的注意到某个方式、内I draw attention to it.───注意了。These benefactors have succeeded in their chosen fields, they say, and they want to use their wealth to draw attention to th


标签: occur造句简单



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