
有关on的短语总结,地点介词in on at口诀

初中英语on的短语组合 2023-09-29 21:54 729 墨鱼

有关on的短语总结,地点介词in on at口诀

关注进来说个带ON的短语#手写#英语单词#背单词打卡#英语短语#英语#英语学习打卡#学英语#英语四级#英语六级#英语四六级#考研英语#专升本英语#今天也要加油鸭#开始自律#和我一起学/on sth. take it作形式主语It takes sb. some time to do sth.(真正主语) pay 人(sb.) sb. pays+金钱+ for sth. cost sth.(物) sth. costs sb.+金钱I spent 3 hours (in)doing/

on 1. on the soccer team 2. on a cold morning 3. on my birthday 4. on Monday 5. on that day 6. on April 1 7. on Teachers Day 8. on the morning of July 1 9. o【重点短语】1. go on vacation 去度假2. stay at home 呆在家3. go to the mountains 上山/进山4. go to the beach 到海边去5. visit museums 参观博物

(=`′=) 常用介词短语总结一、近义介词短语辨析1.表示原因(通常在句中作状语) 1)because of:表示实际原因(表达一种较强的因果关系)2)on account of:常用来引述逻辑、与on有关的短语1.歌名:Hold on 2.演唱者:Prismo 3.歌词原文及其翻译:Hold On——Prismo I just assumed I'd play the part假装我就是这一幕的主角Of keepin

常用介词短语总结一、近义介词短语辨析1.表示原因(通常在句中作状语) 1)because of:表示实际原因(表达一种较强的因果关系)2)on account of:常用来引述逻辑、理性和事实因素3)out1. stay at home 待在家2. go to New York City 去纽约3. go to summer camp 去夏令营4. go to the mountains 去爬山5. go to the beach 去海边6. visit museums去博物馆7. g

分析总结。concentrateon意思是集中精力于可直接接名词concentrateonsth或接动词ingconcentrateondoingsth或concentrateoneseffortonsthdoingsth例句如下结果一题目concenon相关短语act on 对…起作用[有功效];奉行,按照…而行动agree on 就达成协议决定,同意,赞成be based on 以为基础be hard on sb. 过于严厉对待某


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