
you are造句,二年级照样子写句子

her宾格造句 2023-12-27 23:42 793 墨鱼

you are造句,二年级照样子写句子

1、You are all forbidden to leave.你们都不准离开。2、He's nearly as tall as you are.他差不多和你一样高了。31、You are my life,you are myshine, you are the best my only 2、You are my best friend,you are myonly friend. 3、You are everything to me,you ar

(°ο°) 答案解析查看更多优质解析解答一举报you are a student. 解析看不懂?免费查看同类题视频解析查看解答相似问题用尤其造一个句子!急需急需!帮我造下句英文例句大全为您提供you're英文例句大全,词语you're造句,关于you're的句子,you're怎么造句,you're英文例句大全有哪些,哪些句子是关于you're,you're的句子,you're如何造句,描

37. 造句为:What'syourname? 38. Y. 39. Youarestudents. 40. YouhaveanEnglishclassonMondaymorning. 41. xxxWhy, you-you rotten egg!xxx 42. ThatisyournewsYOU are my hero

类型英语造句1、How are you getting on in these hard times?(你在这些困难的日子里过得怎么样? 2、He greeted me with 'apa kabar, Bapak Presiden' (How are you Mr. P1、You're bigger;you'resmarter, andyou'reright! 2、Ifyou'rehappy,you'resuccessful. 3、Ifyou'rehere,you'realive. 4、You're a humbug. -you'reanother


标签: 二年级照样子写句子



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